Steel by Lundbergs

Slipstenshållare Naniwa

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Usually ready in 5+ days

Naniwa tillverkar bland världens bästa slipstenar, och denna slipstenshållare är inget undantag för deras kvalitet!

Stenhållaren gör att stenen kommer upp på ett bekvämt sätt från bänken man slipar på, och gör att man kommer åt stenen från alla vinklar. Stenhållaren har även gummifötter vilket förhindrar att stenen glider runt lika mycket på bänken.
För att ytterligare hjälpa stenen att vara still på bänken så kan man lägga lite fuktigt papper eller en fuktig disktrasa under stenhållaren, och vill man ta det ytterliggare en nive kan man tillverka en så kallad zinkbridge vilket gör att man låser fast stenhållaren på en planka som man kan ställa över diskhon.

Crafts from scratch

We manufacture our knives from the ground up in our forge, often with different types of steel and metals for specific appearance and properties. This process is called welling, where the materials are merged under high pressure. We usually use Swedish steel for its high quality and durability.

Razor blade edge

When the knife blade is infected, format and tempered, the grinding of the blade's grinding phases, which determines the geometry of the blade. Kitchen knives are ground thinner than hunting knives, which need stronger primary eggs. The grinding is performed by hand and is followed by final polish with stones, sandpaper and polishes. The blade is then sharpened by hand in Japanese bench stones for best sharpness.

Perfect balance and finish

After the knife blade is clear, the shaft is manufactured, often from Swedish woods such as oak and birch. The shaft is formed individually for the best fit and balance and treated with oil or wax. Finally, we have a finished knife, created through 24 steps at Steel by Lundbergs!

Unique Handcrafted Quality

Every cut a masterpiece: Handcrafted knives for the true connoisseur

Exclusive Materials

Sharpness Meets Beauty: Knives Crafted from the Finest Materials for Lifelong Use

Custom knivar

Designed by You, for You: Create Your Own Personalized Knife

Lifetime Guarantee

Buy for Life: Each knife is backed by our lifetime guarantee


How do I take the best care of my knife?

Under our FAQ page you can read all about knife handling, grinding and maintenance, as well as orders and deliveries.
